Sabtu, 01 Mei 2010

A History of Interior Design (Hardcover)

A History of Interior Design (Hardcover)

The first edition of this major survey on interior design by John Pile won the 2001 ASID (American Society of Interior Designers) Educational Foundation/Joel Polsky Prize. Now this standard history has been updated to reflect greater coverage of non-Western design, as well as vernacular and residential interiors. A deeper exploration of sustainable design and a CD-ROM with an interactive presentation of periods and styles makes this the most relevant text available. Includes more than 500 photographs and drawings in color and black and white.

History of Interior Design is great. I study interior design and, without John Pile's books, this wide-ranging subject would have been far more difficult. Studying the subject "history of interior design" would have been such a struggle for me without having this book at my side. I just couldn't find all I needed on the internet. Apart from the high quality paper and excellent images, John Pile has a writing style that gets his point across very clearly. That makes for rapid reading and faster absorption of information.

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